Friday, 29 July 2011

Weekly Song Round Up

Woop woop, have survived the first week of School's Out. Actually very helpful that our Church have been running their holiday club this week, it is a fantastic outreach to the community finishing with a BBQ tonight.  The weather has been fantastic all week so pray it lasts till tonight with Mr Blue Sky. I'm sure the majority of people will be there tonight because the food is free, but don't knock it, I'm sure many a person has been saved over a free burger.  And after all Jesus dished out free bread and fish.

Despite the kids being occupied for the week, I took on far too much work and have pretty much burned out, probably didn't help that I danced till I passed out at 80's party last Sat, so started the week exhausted!  Anyway I am Too Tired to do anything of use.  In my head I am telling myself I won't take on so much next week, it is difficult though when you are dependant on making money, but too exhausted to do the work!

This is a song I never thought I'd choose so do excuse me, ahem, The Greatest Love Of All.  There, I linked it.  The main reason being because I do love giving my kids a rota of jobs in the holidays, we are a family of 6 and with me working from home the house can get in a tip pretty quickly!  And I have to say they have done brilliantly, puting on washing, stacking the dishwasher, they really have made a difference to how the days go taking on the responsibilty of some of the jobs, they are the future!  I know a lot of families may have that as their normal routine every day of the week, but I'm someone that would rather just have my husband do......I mean do it myself.  Scratch the bit in the song about loving myself, I don't think I'm quite there yet.

Sunday, 24 July 2011

Keep, Bin, Give Away

We've all done it.  Attempted to have a mass clearout, either of a child's bedroom, the kitchen cupboards or the garage.  You don't really know where to start, you know it's a terrible mess and has to be dealt with, but how to tackle it?

While doing this with my kids the other week, I realised I usually tackle this job with 3 boxes 'keep' 'bin' and 'give away'.

I have tried to apply the same logic to my personal thinking. Am I 'keeping' the right things in my mind?  Am I able to 'bin' the lies of the Enemy?  And am I able to 'give away' to God the things I need help with? 

If I don't apply this logic to myself I run the risk of ending up in a terrible mess just like the rooms of our house! (Thank goodness no-one can visit my brain unannounced!)

A thought to 'keep'. God loves you and is pleased with you, and if He thinks you are special, why would you doubt that? He tells us in

Zephaniah 3:17 
The LORD your God is with you,
the Mighty Warrior who saves.
He will take great delight in you;
in his love he will no longer rebuke you,
but will rejoice over you with singing.”

For the 'bin'. "I'm worthless, I'm useless, I can't do it",  I have said, and sometimes still do find myself saying those things, it's a hard one to get away from and the more the Enemy realises we're believing it, the tighter his grip on our mind will get. They are lies that we should not believe. We should remember Jesus' warning to the religious leaders about Satan.

John 8:44
He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

Finally, don't try to solve your own problems, turn to God, He continually asks us to do this.  He is our Father, of course we should go to Him 'give away' your problems to Him today.

Psalm 55:22
Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall.

1 Peter 5:7
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

This is not an easy excercise to do but neither is tackling cleaning a room, unless you have an o.c.d. condition in which case you need a whole other website.

Friday, 22 July 2011

Weekly Song Round Up

There is no way this post could pass by without me including the amazing Pink Floyd's Coming Back To Life and at just over 6 mins long, it's positively one of their shortest songs!  I am still overwhelmed by my feeling of being woken from a deep sleep, it's like I keep realising things that have happened that I missed, but, I was actually there - wierd.

Guitar lessons are going well and we're throwing some worship songs into the mix, don't want to end up backsliding by learning too much AC/DC. Have to try and have a go at learning this one this week I See The King Of Glory Hosanna it is a beautiful song, so it will be a pleasure to give it a go.

Woop, woop 80's party tomorrow, forget your Wham and Culture Club and Duran Duran, this is what I loved in the 80's raunchy, clever, phenominal drummer! you see the theme there - long hair and guitars!  Every time!

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Coming Back To Life

I was driving a familiar route today through lovely countryside which takes about an hour.  On long journey's on my own I usually take time to turn the radio off and ask God to be present with me and talk to me.

The scenery as I have shared before is magnificent, and I have travelled this road through the seasons as they change ever so slightly every two to three weeks.

Today the fields that once were the brightest yellow, were golden brown, with rolled bales dotted around them - beautiful!

It was then I really felt like I had come back to life, almost as if I had been in a dormant state, like a coma and now I was awakening from it.  The last few years I've had, I guess I had been slightly comatose!

I really do believe my life is about to turn around, God has good things in store for me and my family, I do not doubt His plans for me.

He has already shown me restoration in so many ways personally, I feel excited about what the future holds Jeremiah 29:11-12.

Sunday, 17 July 2011

God is not responsible

It really frustrates me that the main argument that comes up to dis-prove God's existence is the suffering in the world.

I kicked back a few comments to an atheist on Twitter recently (follow me @talk_c) who seemed to think it was an abomination that the privileged should pray to their God, yet the God of the starving and war-stricken does nothing to intervene!

Firstly there is only one God, God of Heaven and Earth, creator of all things.  He is not 'good God' to one and 'Bad God' to another, how could that work?

The last act God did that He knew would cause suffering, was to send His Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross in our place.  He knew then exactly the suffering that was about to be inflicted, yet He went ahead and allowed it to happen because of His overwhelming love for us.

He created a perfect world for us to live in, but we, Humankind, ruined that world through our own choices - as we still do today.  One day it will come full circle and we will be able to live in that perfect world as He had envisaged it Isiah 65:17.

God knew how the world would pan out from start to finish, if we chose from the very beginning to only ever follow Him, it would still be perfect.  However, we chose not too, so the world is not perfect, it will suffer from natural disasters, people will be cruel to each other and babies will die - because the world is not perfect.

Does this mean He shouldn't have gone through with His plan for creation?  Just carried on about His business floating around in nothingness, because He saw the possibility for Human failure?

Not at all.  If you are a parent did you think, well one day they might disappoint me so I won't bother having children, or have they brought you far more joy than you could ever know that outweighs the bad times?

I leave you with this thought taken from 'The Life Application Study Bible'.  In John 9:3 Jesus talks to his disciples about how a man was blind in order to display the works of God through his life.

Good behaviour is not always rewarded and bad behaviour is not always punished.  Innocent people suffer, if God removed suffering every time we asked, we would follow Him for comfort and convenience, not out of love and devotion for Him.

Regardless of the reasons for our suffering, Jesus has the power to help us deal with it, whatever it is.  Try not to ask "why did this happen?" or "what did I do wrong?"  Instead ask God to give you strength for the trial and a clearer perspective on what is happening.

God Bless you all!

Friday, 15 July 2011

Weekly Song Round Up

Oooh we do like a bit of music!  I have re-acquainted myself with the old guitar and am having some proper lessons by a proper person who knows how to play properly!

I think I have pretty much mastered the classic can't get enough of you love!  Barre chords aaghh!

Have been invited to an 80's party next week, I'm torn between 3 choices of who to go as - I think.

1. Debbie Harry, Blondie

2. Carol Decker, T'pau

3. Souxie, S and the Banshees

The eighties were my childhood decade and at one point I attempted to become a 'goth'.  My poor Mum was just delighted that I was wearing a skirt, she overlooked the fact that it was a black fringey tassled one, I wasn't brave enough to fully rebel and dye my hair black and wear, shock, horror, MAKE UP!

My 'goth' phase lasted all of a week and then I got into Heavy Metal, it was easier to get away with the 'double denim' look and not offend my parents, and I don't think they could understand a single word that was coming out of the record player!

Obviously I will be nailing this riff soon sweet child o mine and maybe I'll just go to the party as an eighties rocker - stay in my comfort zone!

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

My Baptism. Oh, Happy Day!

Well I have finally been dunked!  My old life buried and my new one walking with Jesus just begining!  I am still on a high!

The day went perfectly, as if it had been planned down to the last detail, of course God had it planned!  I didn't even know who was speaking at the service or what I was going to say myself!  The music was great, I had all 3 of my song choices plus a couple of others! 

After the service we were walking home when I got a text from my friend who had 'dunked' me.  We had both got changed afterwards in our Pastor Paul's office. 

The text said "Did you leave wet knickers/bra under Pauls desk? Check! Mine checked and confirmed back into house inventory!"

You have never seen me unpack a bag so quickly, I was on the pavement pulling out wet clothes desparately hoping to see my underwear - which I did!

With friends like that.......I am blessed!

My family came and spent the day with us and so did my wonderful friends.  I was given many wonderful scriptures to encourage me and I am so pleased I have done the right thing!

A friend from Church captured the whole thing on video so if you would like to see it click here !  The dunk is about 9 mins in!

Thank you to everyone who is/has been reading this, I hope I can do nothing more than encourage you in your life with God, by sharing about mine.

God Bless You

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Under Attack. The Father of Lies

Having been so thrilled with my personal progress and conquering of fears over the last few weeks and months, God has been magnificent in my life and many people close and not so close have commented on the difference in me.

So this week with my Baptism coming up on Sunday, I was feeling better than ever.  There's the clue 'was'.

Every weakness in me has been tested this week, my anxiety levels have been higher than usual, and my inner conscience has been trying to trick me. He has even tried to enlarge the wedge between me and my husband.  I will not listen to the Father of Lies.

I have recognised I am under attack, I am a threat.

I will not fall for the lies though, I am doing the right thing, declaring I have a God who loves me and who I want to follow.  On Sunday I will stand strong wearing the armour of God.  Ephesians 6:11-18

Please remember to pray for anyone who is doing God's will, that they will resist the Devil, you're not a threat to him if you're idle!

btw, Phil Wickham isn't doing very well in the song poll on my facebook page!  If you haven't placed your vote yet, please do!


Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Baptism Song Choices................

OK, it's nearly here, B-day, yeah that actually doesn't sound right.  Anyway, I am torn between three songs and have added a vote poll to my facebook page!

Mighty To Save “take me as you find me, all my fears and failures” this was the song that always used to get to me leading up to the point I accepted God loved me, it was my prayer song.

Because Of Your Love “now all of my life I freely give, because of your love I live” Since accepting God’s love I do now live because of him and for him.

Happy Day “Endless Joy, Perfect peace, earthly pain finally will cease, celebrate Jesus is alive!” Says it all! A celebratory song of a future hope with him in heaven!

If you have an opinion go to my facebook page via the link and please vote.......and pray for me, thank you! x

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Weekly Song Round Up

Having been on holiday and then having a stupidly busy week with work, haven't blogged for a little bit!

I have had a terrible couple of days, but I do not want to throw myself a pity party......

Anyways, I went to see Bon Jovi last week, it was a real treat in so many ways.  It was my first concert in about 14 years!  I went with my Sister who I am trying to improve a relationship with, but big step for me I did not feel anxiety!  I couldn't have done this even if I wanted to over the last couple of years, I am so happy to be feeling more comfortable in my surroundings and pray that it continues.

So a few favourites from the show for you!

I wonder how many of you feel comfortable to Raise Your Hands at a concert, but at Church? meh.....

I have been facing some pretty tough times lately, but I know I have a Father in Heaven who I am important enough to him to care about me and my family, and this definately helps me to Keep The Faith.
btw Baptism coming up this Sunday, wonder if I could have Living On A Prayer as one of my song choices.........