Friday, 29 July 2011

Weekly Song Round Up

Woop woop, have survived the first week of School's Out. Actually very helpful that our Church have been running their holiday club this week, it is a fantastic outreach to the community finishing with a BBQ tonight.  The weather has been fantastic all week so pray it lasts till tonight with Mr Blue Sky. I'm sure the majority of people will be there tonight because the food is free, but don't knock it, I'm sure many a person has been saved over a free burger.  And after all Jesus dished out free bread and fish.

Despite the kids being occupied for the week, I took on far too much work and have pretty much burned out, probably didn't help that I danced till I passed out at 80's party last Sat, so started the week exhausted!  Anyway I am Too Tired to do anything of use.  In my head I am telling myself I won't take on so much next week, it is difficult though when you are dependant on making money, but too exhausted to do the work!

This is a song I never thought I'd choose so do excuse me, ahem, The Greatest Love Of All.  There, I linked it.  The main reason being because I do love giving my kids a rota of jobs in the holidays, we are a family of 6 and with me working from home the house can get in a tip pretty quickly!  And I have to say they have done brilliantly, puting on washing, stacking the dishwasher, they really have made a difference to how the days go taking on the responsibilty of some of the jobs, they are the future!  I know a lot of families may have that as their normal routine every day of the week, but I'm someone that would rather just have my husband do......I mean do it myself.  Scratch the bit in the song about loving myself, I don't think I'm quite there yet.

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