Friday, 22 April 2011

Good Friday - Good News!

It is a beautiful sunny day, the kids have played together happily, all four of them! We have had a lovely cooked lunch, and I am looking forward to going to the communion service at our church later.

That last sentence is not something I ever thought I would hear myself clicking out of a keyboard. I am still very much enjoying my renewed (if not new) faith in our wonderful God. It comes so naturally now to want to take part in services and worship and teaching and learning.

This will be my first Easter since personally accepting God's gift of his precious son Jesus on the cross for me! I am expecting to be emotionally moved and that isn't a usual pre-occupation of mine. My grasp of God's love for me is even more real because I now love him back, how could I not? I have been made rightous through his blood, I have a personal relationship with him, He will always be there for me.

My thoughts were more consumed with a death without God, now I am enjoying living a life with God.

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